DNA Sites

Clan Stewart of America DNA page of the Clan Stewart site
Stewart Family DNA Project Tracing family by DNA
Boyd DNA Project Another family site that is tracing family using DNA testing
Gordon DNA Project Another family site that is tracing family using DNA testing
Meates DNA Project Tracing family using DNA testing – Mate Mates Meates Meats + variants
All DNA Info Using DNA in genealogy – articles and links
Family Tree DNA Join a Surname Project and order a DNA test packSome interesting info re DNA and genealogy :
Understanding Your Results: mtDNA
Interpreting Results: Why is the Surname relevant?
DNA 101 An explanation of how DNA can be useful to family researchers
Y Base
Oxford Ancestry UK site for testing DNA for genealogical and other purposes
Relative Genetics Glossary – What the DNA test results mean
DNA Print Genomics Another approach
DNA Heritage A new site for recording and matching DNA data