
The “Not Known” column relates to entries where the gender could not be derived from the name (e.g.Pat, Chris, Bernie, Gerry, etc) and there was no clue in the text (husband/wife, mother/father, sister/brother, daughter/son, etc) to aid understanding. This occurs mostly with In Memoriam notices.


Year Female Male Not Known Total
Pre 2000 654 679 12 1345
2000 967 1012 17 1996
2001 1040 1029 10 2079
2002 1087 1107 13 2207
2003 1189 1170 19 2378
2004 1264 1298 18 2580
TOTAL 6201 6295 89 12585
The years are related to the DOB rather than the year when the notice appeared.


Year Female Male Not Known Total
Pre 2000 1595 2020 9 3624
2000 1590 1654 2 3246
2001 2410 2392 0 4802
2002 2934 2980 2 5916
2003 3249 3240 4 6493
2004 3572 3545 4 7121
TOTAL 15350 15831 21 31202
There is only a small number of duplicated entries due to name or date variations.
The years are related to the DOD rather than the year when the notice appeared.

In Memoriam

Year Female Male Not Known Total
Pre 2000 503 687 25 1215
2000 960 1251 76 2287
2001 1062 1368 88 2518
2002 1265 1506 61 2832
2003 1368 1704 72 3144
2004 1798 2277 112 4187
TOTAL 6956 8793 434 16183
Please note that these figures represent counts of the entries in the index.
Entries may be duplicated where notices are placed each year.
The years are related to the date when the notice appeared, rather than the derived year of death.