Did you know that almost every activity you engage in makes your skin age with time? Think about busking in the sun, drinking coffee, undergoing a stressful moment or even using the wrong cosmetic products. All these things will make your skin lose its beauty […]
Choosing the right sciatica treatment option
Sciatica is caused by the inflammation of the sciatic nerve. It’s a nerve which originates from any of the sides of the lower back and passes through the pelvis and down the back of the legs before dividing across the knees into other branches. When […]
5 Proven Tactics To Increase Life Expectancy
Who doesn’t want to live forever? What individual doesn’t want to experience as much life as he can before succumbing to the dark womb of death (or bright white landscapes and cotton candy clouds to bounce on while an angel awaits at the gates of […]
How to relax: tips to reduce anxiety, stress and nervousness
Anxiety and nervousness assail us more and more and it is increasingly difficult to relax in this increasingly frantic society and not be constantly under stress. How to relax? In this article you will find some effective ways to relax and some tips to reduce […]
4 simple tips to improve your health
Sleep well and take a siesta If you have been to Latin America you have certainly noticed that many people go home during their lunch break. They grant themselves the so-called “siesta” which is nothing more than a short nap. According to one study, adults […]